Nasal Reconstruction 鼻重建手術 嚴重鼻變形重建(Contracted nose correction) 鼻翼變形、鼻頭變形、鼻樑畸形變形 2021-2月份隆鼻鼻整形案例:嚴重鼻變形重建(Contracted nose correction 2021/02/07 鼻翼高低差、單側內縮調整(Correction of unilateral alar retraction) 鼻翼高低差、單側內縮調整(Correction of unilateral ala) 2020/08/30 鼻頭鼻模穿出之重建(Correction of implant protrusion) 鼻頭鼻模穿出之重建(Implant protrusion) 2020/02/26 嚴重全鼻變形調整(Severe nasal deformity correction) 嚴重全鼻變形調整(Severe nasal deformity correction) 2020/02/13 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - - 左鼻翼先天性色素痣 (Congenital Melanocyte Nevus) 左鼻翼先天性色素痣CMN 2019/08/12 鼻頭基底細胞癌手術切除重建(Basal Cell Carcinoma ) Excision of nasal tip basal cell carcinoma -> reconstruction by bilobed flap 鼻頭基底細胞癌手術切除重建(Basal Cell Carcinoma ) 2019/05/22 馬鞍形變形(Saddle nose) 以耳朵軟骨矯正 (Ear cartilage) 馬鞍形變形(Saddle nose) 以耳朵軟骨矯正 2019/02/22 臉部多處基底細胞癌之切除重建 (Basal cell carcinoma excision:Facial and Nasal reconstruction) 臉部多處基底細胞癌之切除及臉、鼻重建 2018/12/15 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - -