Preop and Postop最新案例
結構式鼻整形 Primary Rhinoplasty
二次鼻整形 Secondary Rhinoplasty
全自體肋骨隆鼻 Autogenous Costal Cartilage Rhinoplasty
自體脂肪真皮鼻整形 Dermofat Graft Rhinoplasty
貴族手術(鼻溝槽手術) Paranasal Augmentation
鼻彎曲併鼻中隔彎曲矯正 Crooked Nose Correction and Septoplasty
短鼻(朝天鼻) Short Nose
馬鞍鼻 Saddle Nose
駝峰鼻、鷹鉤鼻 Dorsal Hump、Hanging Columella
縮鼻翼 Alar Reduction
鼻頭調整 Tip Refinement
男性隆鼻 Male Rhinoplasty
鼻重建手術 Nasal Reconstruction
唇顎裂之鼻重建 Cleft Lip Nose
結構式鼻整形 Primary Rhinoplasty
二次鼻整形 Secondary Rhinoplasty
全自體肋骨隆鼻 Autogenous Costal Cartilage Rhinoplasty
自體脂肪真皮鼻整形 Dermofat Graft Rhinoplasty
貴族手術(鼻溝槽手術) Paranasal Augmentation
鼻彎曲併鼻中隔彎曲矯正 Crooked Nose Correction and Septoplasty
短鼻(朝天鼻) Short Nose
馬鞍鼻 Saddle Nose
駝峰鼻、鷹鉤鼻 Dorsal Hump、Hanging Columella
縮鼻翼 Alar Reduction
鼻頭調整 Tip Refinement
男性隆鼻 Male Rhinoplasty
鼻重建手術 Nasal Reconstruction
唇顎裂之鼻重建 Cleft Lip Nose