Secondary Rhinoplasty 二次鼻整形 全自體肋軟骨隆鼻 全自體肋軟骨隆鼻 2017/01/21 朝天鼻及鼻頭變形鼻整形 (Short nose and nasal tip deformity) 朝天鼻及鼻頭變形鼻整形 (Short nose and nasal tip deformity) 2017/01/19 納美人鼻矯正 納美人鼻矯正 2017/01/19 多次鼻整形手術後皮膚變薄之搶救 多次鼻整形手術後皮膚變薄之搶救 2017/01/19 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - - 赴韓國隆鼻(鼻整形)併發症處理- (Complications after rhinoplasty in Korea 赴韓國隆鼻(鼻整形)併發症處理- (Complications after rhinoplasty 2017/01/19 不適當的I型鼻模 不適當的I型鼻模 2017/01/19 自體肋骨用於短鼻的矯正(Short nose correction by Rib) 自體肋骨二次鼻整形 2017/01/19 修補支離破碎的鼻子(Repair distorted nose) 修補支離破碎的鼻子(Repair distorted nose) 2017/01/19 - - 手術效果因人而異,上圖為該案例實際術後成效 - -